What is QI Basics?
The New and Improved EQIPP: QI Basics 101 course designed to enhance your QI Knowledge base is now Live! This new video-based course offers a personalized experience, actionable insight, active learning with a review mode teaching the theory of Quality Improvement. Log in and check it out today!

Included in every EQIPP course is The Quality Improvement in Pediatric Care (referred to as QI basics) course. The course, which is a prerequisite for all EQIPP courses, ensures all participants receive a strong education in fundamental QI principles and concepts needed to systematically and continuously improve practice processes.
QI Basics introduces the Model for Improvement, a systematic framework for improving patient care. The Model is used in all EQIPP courses and involves running small, successive tests of change through Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycles. These small-scale PDSA cycles enable participants to quickly test their ideas for change on a small scale to help determine if they lead to improvement. Successful changes can then be expanded to other areas and/or implemented in practice.
Course faculty have no relevant financial relationships with the manufacturers of any commercial product or providers of commercial services discussed in this CME activity.
For more information about QI Basics, contact eqipp@aap.org